Friday 12/1


Friday 12/1

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit



3 Rounds of:

250 Meter Row/0.4km bike

5 Single Arm Ring Row (each side)

20 Toy Soldiers

20 sec Side Plank (each side)



3 minutes of Rowing/Bike, then…

30 sec Banded Front Rack Stretch (each side)

10 Leg Swings (each leg in all 4 directions)

20 Air Squats

20 Walking Lunges

20 Kip Swings

1 minute of Ankle Opener (each side),then…

Burgener Clean Warm-Up

Strength & Accessory


Three sets of:

Landmine Row x 8 reps each arm @20X1

Rest 60 seconds

Dumbbell Death March

Rest 60 seconds

Kettlebell Side Bends x 20 reps each side

Rest 60 seconds


Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:

1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean

*Sets 1-2 – 65-70% of 1-RM Clean

*Sets 3-4 – 70-75%

*Sets 5-6 – 75-80%

*Sets 7-8 – 80-85%

Clean + Hang Clean



Fitn: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:

25 AbMat Sit-Ups

50 Single Unders

20 Kettlebell Swings, (choose weight)

Time extends by 4-minutes when completing a round. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish.

Perf: CrossFit Games Open 16.2 (AMRAP – Reps)

4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:

25 Toes To Bar

50 Double Unders

Squat Cleans*

*Round 1 – 15 @ 135# / 85#

*Round 2 – 13 @ 185# / 115#

*Round 3 – 11 @ 225# / 145#

*Round 4 – 9 @ 275# / 175#

*Round 5 – 7 @ 315# / 205#

Time extends by 4-minutes when completing a round. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish.

Perf: CrossFit Games Open 16.2 Scaled (AMRAP – Reps)

4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:

25 Hanging Knee Raises

50 Single Unders

Squat Cleans*

*Round 1 – 15 @ 95# / 55#

*Round 2 – 13 @ 115# / 75#

*Round 3 – 11 @ 135# / 95#

*Round 4 – 9 @ 155# / 115#

*Round 5 – 7 @ 185# / 135#

Time extends by 4-minutes when completing a round. If you complete Round 5, your score is the time you finish.