Wednesday 9/13


Wednesday 9/13

Great Woods CrossFit – CrossFit


500 Meter Row, then….


3 Rounds of:

10 Glute Bridges

10 PVC Around the Worlds (5 each side)

20 secs Plank


Front Rack Stretch (barbell on back w/ hook grip)

Burgener Warm-Up w/ barbell

Tall Clean Drill

Strength & Accessory


Four sets of:

Kettlebell Swings x 25 reps

Rest 45 seconds

Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Carry x 50-feet each arm

Rest 45 seconds

Hollow Hold x 30-45 seconds

Rest 2 minutes


Hang Clean + Clean

Perform 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean, every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes for a total of 6 sets
Build as you go, but make sure the focus is on proper technique and mechanics as you build.

Mobilize and prepare for MetCon during rest


Fitn: Metcon (Time)

Three rounds for time of:

400 Meter Run

12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

15 AbMat Sit-Ups

Perf: Metcon (Time)

Three rounds for time of:

400 Meter Run

12 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches, 50/35 lbs

10 Toes-to-Bar